My Welcome Gift to You...

Get my book, Beating Worry and Anxiety, now for FREE! Rediscover your authentic self before anxiety, panic disorder and trauma took control of your life.

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I was only living a shell of a life...

Until a few years ago, I was barely living a life at all. I didn't make the decisions in my life... my anxiety did. It had complete control over where I went, what I did, and how I felt.

I did all the things I was told to do. Therapy, medications, breathing exercises, acupuncture, hypnosis... I tried it all. All of those things helped in some way, but I never really felt like I had conquered the underlying problem, only masked the symptoms.

One day, I experienced a trauma that would change my life. I was forced to re-examine parts of my life that I had never even thought to change, things I didn't think could be changed, and found an incredible surprise that gave me back control of my life. My anxiety was no longer in the driver's seat!

I studied the reasons this finally happened for me after 25 years of daily suffering and dedicated my career to helping others find this shift in their own lives. I am confident if others find the breakthrough that I did, they can get back to living a fulfilling life... the one they were meant to live.

Are you ready to get back into the driver's seat of your own life? Because I'm completely ready to help you get there!

More About Me

Allow me to help you with the same methods that helped me...

Let Me Guide You Toward Your Destination

Can you remember a time when your head wasn't so filled with worry? When you didn't lay awake in bed all night replaying scenarios in your head? When morning was actually something you looked forward to because the possibilities of an exciting adventure lay ahead?

If the thought of a life like that seems too distant or hopeless, you're not alone. I had lived with my anxiety for so long that I eventually just gave in to it. After 25 years, I resigned myself to the fact that this was just my new "normal" now and the way my life would be going forward.

After all, I tried all the things they told me to try. I went to therapy. I took medications. I read books to understand my condition. I tried a long list of less traditional therapies hoping something, anything, would work. They all helped in some way... some big, some small. But it was still just a band-aid for the problem that lingered.

Just when I had given up hope, I had a breakthrough. And I'll tell you what... the moment I caught that first glimpse of what life could look like for me again, I couldn't stop grasping for it. I found a new set of tools that worked differently for me. Some things helped immediately. Some things helped slowly over time. But I could finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

I didn't get there alone. I had a therapist, a coach, and a really strong support circle of friends. But the point is I got there. I was able to live life again in the driver's seat... a life where I choose where to go and what to do, not my anxiety.

I shifted my career to helping others navigate through these disorders because I knew there was someone else out there right now... just like me... giving up hope and succumbing to a lifeless existence. If I hadn't had someone willing to say, "Don't throw in the towel just yet," I might have been beyond repair.

I became determined to be that person for someone else. If I could help one person, then it's worth it. Fortunately, I've been able to help many which is more than I could have ever hoped for. I can't do the work for you, but I can definitely do the work with you.

Here's what I can offer you on your journey:

  • Practical Tools

    Real life tools that have helped me and so many others using practical skills when those moments of struggle arise.

  • Encouragement

    Someone to stand beside you through it all who knows firsthand how it feels to suffer alone.

  • Accountability

    A gentle reminder that you're in the midst of a journey in which you don't want to turn back from your destination.

  • Accessibility

    Multiple ways to reach me quickly if trouble strikes and you need support.