woman on gray cardigan standing near table doing cheers

Day 12 – How to Set Limits when Thanksgiving Feels Overwhelming

Thanksgiving is all about gratitude. Feeling grateful for a year’s worth of blessings and being thankful for what matters most to you. It’s not supposed to be an overwhelming burden, yet sometimes that’s exactly what it becomes. There are plenty of reasons why Thanksgiving can leave you feeling stressed rather than grateful. Reasons like-

  • Financial stress
  • Dysfunctional family members
  • Health issues
  • Everyday worries

Sometimes the holidays are a welcome break from everyday life and sometimes they simply come at the wrong time. When Thanksgiving feels overwhelming it’s a great time to set some limits that allow you to enjoy the holiday while protecting your time and your sanity. Here’s how to set limits and keep the holiday positive.

Be honest about your situation- No two years are alike. Every year it’s important to assess your situation and set any limits that make sense for what’s going on. If your family is weathering a storm, there’s nothing wrong with modifying your holiday to reflect the situation you’re in. Denying that Thanksgiving is coming at a difficult time won’t help make life any easier. Be honest with yourself…and others, and you’ll have an easier time setting limits.

Work within your financial budget- Sometimes it’s easy and fun to host everyone you know for a bountiful feast while other times a rotisserie chicken and store-bought side dishes fit more within your budget. Likewise, sometimes it’s easy to pay for travel to see family while other years it simply isn’t. Work within your budget and set firm limits that support your healthy decisions to live within your means. You may need to forgo visiting family or hosting the holiday meal, but it doesn’t mean you don’t love and cherish your time together. Don’t confuse love and loyalty with dollar signs.

Practice saying no- Saying no is hard for most people and it’s especially hard during the holidays when the season is supposed to be about gratitude. You aren’t ungrateful for saying no to things that add to your stress level. You simply can’t please everyone most of the year and Thanksgiving time is no different. Practice saying no politely and firmly so you are used to setting limits when the time comes.

Think out of the box- Thanksgiving is steeped in so much tradition it can feel weird to step out of the box. If life is overwhelming, a non-traditional Thanksgiving might be just what you need to cope with the season. Instead of traditional activities, shake things up and try something radically different. Don’t worry if your extended family doesn’t agree or understand. Setting limits on your time and how you celebrate the holiday can be very healthy.

The holidays can be a magical break from reality, or they can pile on unnecessary stress. It’s up to you to set limits and protect yourself from overdoing it. You must take charge of your life and be prepared to do what’s best for you during the season and throughout the year.      

Today’s Assignment: Think and write about how you can set limits during the upcoming holiday season, and what you can do to feel less overwhelmed when or if those limits are reached.