food love dinner eating

Day 16 – Who Said Turkey is King on Thanksgiving?

Turkey has long held the top position as the family favorite for Thanksgiving. There are many ways to prepare a great turkey. Some favorites might include:

  • Smoked
  • Baked
  • Fried

While turkey is a staple, there are people who don’t care for it or simply want a change. It won’t break any etiquette rules to forgo turkey for something fun and new this year.

If you’re looking to stress less this Thanksgiving, consider an alternative to a traditional turkey dinner. You can easily choose a theme or simply go with a family favorite that you don’t typically serve. Here are a few ideas to try-

Go international- Why not try something out of the ordinary for your Thanksgiving meal? Though the holiday is American or Canadian, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the cuisine from another country. How about an Italian feast of lasagna or another pasta dish? Why not enjoy the tastes of Mexico with trays of enchiladas or tamales.

Host a cookoff- Why not make Thanksgiving competitive? Try hosting a chili cookoff or salsa challenge. Encourage guests to bring their best dish and have a prize for the meal that gets the most votes.

Enjoy the great outdoors- Some climates are mild during Thanksgiving. Why not try something fun like a backyard BBQ or try roasting a pig in the ground. There are lots of meals that can be enjoyed outside and make Thanksgiving an outdoor affair. 

Surf and turf- There’s nothing wrong with poultry, but some people love beef and fish. Try a combo of steak and seafood as a fun alternative to the traditional meal. If you can’t bear to pass up the sides you love from Thanksgiving, make them to go along with your surf and turf fare.

Who said turkey has to be a mainstay at Thanksgiving? If you feel uninspired by the thought of roasting another turkey this year, shake things up and go a different way. You may find that your holiday gets a boost from your exciting changes. If you can’t stand the thought of eliminating poultry altogether there are plenty of ways to include it in your meal. Try a rotisserie chicken or smoked turkey breast for a small portion of turkey to satisfy your traditional cravings.

Thanksgiving can be anything you’d like, and your meal can reflect your mood or your unique tastes. Don’t feel confined by tradition. Enjoy foods you love and branch out from turkey now and then to keep things fun!