wrapped gift boxes with ribbons on table

Day 23 – Tips for Reducing your Giving Without Feeling Like a Scrooge

Being generous is important. There’s no greater time of year to give than during the holidays but it doesn’t take long for the list of opportunities to give to outgrow your ability to be generous. Sometimes you’ve simply got to cut back. This can leave you feeling guilty and fearful you’ll be perceived as a Scrooge.

There are plenty of great reasons to give and be generous, but your resources may not always be as big as your heart. What can you do when you need to reduce your giving without feeling horrible? Try these ideas out-

Idea! Try reducing your overall gift-giving budget. If you are in the habit of giving extravagant gifts, try reducing your price point per person to make the budget stretch. Lowering your spending per person can help you give more without cutting out the number of people you give to.  

Idea! Give time rather than money. Giving gifts and making monetary donations comes out of your bank account. Why not give the gift of time instead. Create coupon books with vouchers for special time with friends and family. You can postpone your spending until they cash in their coupons. Instead of making monetary donations to your favorite charities, consider doing some volunteer work throughout the year to offer an equally valuable resource.

Idea! Reassess your giving guidelines. Over time, you may find you are under pressure to give gifts to an ever-growing list of friends and family. Times change and it’s ok to assess and re-evaluate your giving guidelines. Some fun gift-giving guidelines could include-

  • Only buying gifts for kids under 16
  • Doing a numbered gift exchange with adult family members
  • Opting out of gift giving outside of immediate family
  • Setting a spending cap on gifts

Once you’ve made the best decision for your family, rest assured that you can give confidently without feeling like a Scrooge.

Idea! Get crafty with your giving. Try making gifts that have low-cost investments. Body scrubs, décor, and other DIY items can cost pennies to make but their personal touch has great value. Search the web for fun do-it-yourself gifts you can make in bulk and give to lots of people.

Christmas means something different to everyone who celebrates. There are no two families experiencing the holiday the same. You must feel confident setting limits and creating spending plans that make sense for you and your family’s finances. Be generous, but not to the point you face going into debt. Find fun ways to give without feeling stressed or like a Scrooge.