What is Reiki?

In simplest terms, Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s done through touch, either of the subtle body or the aura. A warm and soothing energy flows from the hands of the practitioner into the client, promoting relaxation and releasing tension.

What does Reiki do or not do?

Reiki energy is not directed by the Reiki practitioner. It goes where it needs to go for the client receiving the energy. It cannot cause harm. It has built-in protection against negative energies.

Reiki energy can be sent at a distance to anywhere in the world. Reiki can be sent and programmed to arrive at a time in the future.

There is a limitless source of universal energy. Reiki does not deplete the energy of the person channeling the Reiki.

Reiki is not religious in nature. However in Japanese, Rei means “the spiritual source of the Universe” while Ki means “life energy”. Reiki literally means “spiritual energy”.

The concept of Reiki healing is that the practitioner is essentially a conduit of spiritual energy for the receiver. The energy enters through the crown of the head, into the heart, and out of the palms of the hands of the Reiki Practitioner.

The practitioner then “sends” it to the client, and the energy goes where it needs to go. The practitioner does not guide it.

One very important detail… It always works for the highest good of the receiver.

What are the benefits of Reiki Healing?

Reiki can greatly impact a living being’s physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Some primary benefits are:


  • Promotes health & wellness
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Relieves depression
  • Helps with clarity
  • Strengthens intuition
  • Improves sleep
  • Balances chakras
  • Relieves stress & tension
  • Helps with pain management
  • Eases digestive issues
  • Heals past traumas
  • Increases white blood cell production
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Assists the body in the elimination of toxins
  • Can assist in addictions
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
  • Aids in emotional clearing
  • Helps improve relationships and achieving personal goals
  • ….and so much more!

What should I expect during an in-person Reiki Session?

If this is your first visit, there is a small amount of paperwork to fill out.  I allow an extra 15 minutes to first-time clients for this or I can send you the paperwork prior to your appointment to complete and bring with you.  

I always begin each Reiki session with a brief consultation to discuss your needs, goals, and objectives for seeking Reiki healing. I will ask if you are seeking help with physical or emotional issues, or a combination of both.  If it’s emotional healing you seek, I do not need to know what is causing your discomfort, but I will usually ask what the specific feeling is (sadness, worry, grief, anger, etc.) and where you feel it the most in your body (head, chest, stomach, everywhere, etc.). 

You will always remain fully clothed during your session (however most clients remove their shoes for comfort) and you will have the choice to lay down on the treatment table on your back facing up, on your stomach facing down or sitting upright.  It’s however you feel the most comfortable.  There is typically relaxing music and aromatherapy but this is also at your preference.  I do not touch your physical body during a treatment session, but I will place my hands in your aura around your body, meaning within 3-12 inches from you.  If for any reason you are ever uncomfortable with me placing my hands this close, please let me know so I can send the energy from further away, or you may feel more comfortable scheduling a Distance Reiki Session (see below).

The typical full session will last around 40 minutes of actual Reiki energy, but this can be shorter or longer depending on your needs and comfort level.  The majority of clients say they feel very relaxed throughout the session, sometimes feeling slight temperature changes, tingling sensations, and some feel nothing at all.  Many clients will fall asleep which is completely normal.  It’s called a “Reiki Nap” and it does not interfere with the energy transfer and healing process whatsoever.  You may find your experience could change from session to session or always feel the same.  It’s all normal.  The Reiki energy always goes where it needs to go for your highest good.

At the end of the session, we’ll take a brief moment to discuss what I did and what I observed during the session, as well as how you are feeling and what you observed during the session.  This is the perfect time to ask questions or schedule your next appointment.

After your session, you should drink extra water to keep yourself fully hydrated.  Expect to feel continued relaxation and improvement of your issues addressed in the session.  I highly recommend keeping a journal to note some of the effects and improvements between sessions.  Sometimes these will be felt immediately, and sometimes it could be days or even weeks later.

What should I expect during a Distance Reiki Session?

One beautiful aspect of Reiki is that you can be anywhere to receive it and you never have to leave your home.  Distance Reiki is just as effective as experiencing a session in person.  The Reiki energy goes where it needs to go without limitations of time and space, therefore it works the same way whether I’m standing next to you or on the other side of the globe.  Having a session in the comfort of your own home can be even more relaxing because you can set up your environment the way you like without spending time driving back and forth to my physical location.
When preparing for your Distance Reiki Session, take some time to set up a calming environment.  Dress comfortably, pick a space where you can sit or lie comfortably during your session, and set the temperature to your greatest comfort level.  It’s helpful to have some soft music available (I’ll happily send a link or playlist as a personal recommendation) and I also recommend diffusing some calming essential oils if you have them – lavender, chamomile or frankincense are my personal favorites.
During the session, we will be connected through a Zoom call or phone call.  It’s very much the same process as an in-person session, and you choose whether to lie down or stay seated.  I’ll guide you through the process and you can even turn off your camera during the Zoom call during the treatment itself so that you can feel totally relaxed and comfortable. I will send healing Reiki energy throughout the session.  When the session is wrapping up, I’ll invite you to sit up slowly and return to the call to discuss how the session felt.  Again, I’ll remind you to drink extra water and keep a journal of your progress between sessions.